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主题:改变心灵对世界的想法_Ken Wapnick 演讲记录摘译

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改变心灵对世界的想法_Ken Wapnick 演讲记录摘译  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:11:02 [只看该作者]

摘要: 课程里只不断的说要与圣灵结合,因这正是你我体验与人合一的前提。与人合一,指的不是以任何外在形式或行为结合,而是你我不再把自己与他人的利益视为两回事。

改变心灵对世界的想法(摘译自Ken Wapnick 演讲记录)      





Choose to change your mind about the world

I think that what’s important, and I guess it’s a premise that underlies everything I’ve been saying so far, is that A Course in Miracles is a spiritual path. It is not a way of life in the sense of anything external. It is certainly not meant to be a cult, it is not meant to be a community, and it’s not meant to be a church. It not meant to be anything. It is a spiritual path that individual people participate in, if they choose. That’s why there’s nothing in this Course about joining in terms of groups. Absolutely nothing. There’s a tremendous amount in this Course about joining with the Holy Spirit, which then becomes the prerequisite for your experiencing a oneness with other people. This doesn’t mean about joining with them, in any kind of external form, or external behavior. It means joining with them in the sense that you no longer see your interest as separate from theirs. And this joining, which basically is an acceptance of a joining that’s already there; it’s not something that you do, because we are already joined. It’s the ego that tells us that we are separated.

So that the only joining that is important, and the only focus of that joining, is the joining in our mind; away from the ego with which we have previously joined, and now joining with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That’s the joining. That is called the greater joining. And that joining with the Holy Spirit once again becomes the basis for our experiencing our brothers and sisters as being one with us. Sharing the same interest, singular. And that interest, that goal, that purpose is to awaken from this dream. Another way of saying the same thing is that the ego has taught us in this world it’s one or the other. I win you lose. So our interests are indeed separate.

So the first step for us in learning how to live in the world as a student of the Course is to understand that the purpose now of living in this world, again, is not to change the world. It is not to convert the world, not to preach to the world, not to teach to the world. The purpose of the world is to be this microscope that allows us to look within and see this unseen world. An unseen world yet that is incredibly powerful because it determines everything we do.

转自:奇迹课程中文部 Ken Wapnick专栏 2008/7/18

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改变心灵对世界的想法_Ken Wapnick 演讲记录摘译
