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主题:Q #470分离的剧痛

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Q #470分离的剧痛  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:10:24 [只看该作者]

摘要: 你的解说那么贴切「我们都在寻求填补那看似与上主分离后留下的空虚,想要寻求某物能取代衪的爱,却从未获得满全。」理智上我完全认同这点,然而有时这空虚让我经验到非常极端与强烈的心理痛苦,使我感到几乎身体也病了。有时,小我让我试着以非常愚蠢的手段,如几近贪婪的耽溺于食物、音乐、学习等,来补偿这种空虚……

文/Ken Wapnick ; 中译/ SINGING


Q #470问:在你对问题#231的回复中,你的解说那么贴切「我们都在寻求填补那看似与上主分离后留下的空虚,想要寻求某物能取代衪的爱,却从未获得满全。」理智上我完全认同这点,然而有时这空虚让我经验到非常极端与强烈的心理痛苦,使我感到几乎身体也病了。有时,小我让我试着以非常愚蠢的手段,如几近贪婪的耽溺于食物、音乐、学习等,来补偿这种空虚。我该如何以衪的爱来填补这样(甚至不存在) 的黑洞?然而说并没有这样一个黑洞存在是无法驱散这个幻觉。虽然耶稣教导我们上主的爱是我所是的一切,但这黑洞的幻觉仍在那儿,而我并不平安。我是不是应只接受上主会领我在该在之处并欢迎着我?或是我把这一切都太当真了,因为无论如何在这世界里没有一事是真的?




Q #470: In your answer to Question #231, you explain so fittingly: "We are seeking to fill the void left by our seeming separation from God with substitutes for His Love that never fully satisfy us." Although intellectually I fully accept this, I sometimes seem to experience this void to such an extreme and with such intense psychological pain that it makes me feel almost physically sick. Sometimes the ego makes me try to compensate it by such foolish means as over consumption (i.e., food, music, learning, etc.), almost to the level of greed. How do I go about filling this big black hole (that is not even there) with His Love? Saying there is no hole does not disperse the illusion. Although Jesus teaches us the Love of God is everything I am, the illusion of the void is still there, and I am not at peace. Should I just accept that God takes me where I am and welcomes me? Or am I just taking it all much too seriously because nothing in this world is real anyway?

A: The pain of the deep sense of emptiness that you describe is the inevitable result of the choice for separation and is present, in some form, at the core of every separated one. It may be camouflaged, temporarily anesthetized, or denied, but it is the force behind every pursuit of relief and pleasure in specialness. Your awareness of this is an important step in the process of undoing the belief in separation, and learning to identify with the loving Self that is also present in everyone.

You are correct in saying that while in the grips of separation’s agony, it is no comfort to know that there is no void. You have a lot of company in that. There is nothing you can do to fill the void because it cannot be filled. There is no substitute for our true Identity, because there cannot be an opposite to truth. When it is denied, what is left is nothing; this is the void. The only way to heal the pain of separation is not to choose it. Only this obliterates the experience of the void, and is accomplished through forgiveness: "Forgiveness is the healing of the perception of separation"(T.3.V.9:1).

Acknowledging the pain and its true source is a good beginning. Taking responsibility for having chosen separation in some form of specialness is another important step. A Course in Miracles is not teaching us to fill the void, only to practice forgiveness. The answer to your question may be found in the questions Jesus asks us: "How willing are you to forgive your brother? How much do you desire peace instead of endless strife and misery and pain? These questions are the same, in different form. Forgiveness is your peace, for herein lies the end of separation and the dream of danger and destruction, sin and death; of madness and of murder, grief and loss" (T.29.VI.1:1,2,3,4,5,6).

转自:奇迹课程中文部 Ken Wapnick专栏 2008/7/1

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Q #470分离的剧痛
