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主题最新回顾(发布时间:2012/3/5 19:05:25)
--  作者:高海
--  心灵治愈
摘要: 你若想要带给弟兄一份治愈的礼物,你必须给他一个… 文:Raj / 译者:若水 亲爱的朋友, 你若想要带给弟兄一份治愈的礼物,你必须给他一个比他目前所显示出来还要好一点的自我观念;若想做到这一点,你必须甘心放弃你心目中对他认定的看法。 心灵的治愈需要一种「衡量的标竿」经验,那是小我的认知领域里所没有,也不知从何去找的东西。因此,「心灵治愈」这个礼物,不是你们凭自己的本事就能给自己或给别人的。 然而,这种治愈依旧会发生,它的出现向你启示了一个事实,就是:当你愿意释放掉你对他的观感,他才可能将自己的真实面目启示给你。这个启示所蕴含的爱的行动与经验,远远超过你们两人对自己与彼此的评估。这个经验不只会彻底改变他,同时也改变了你。 这并不是一般人所谓的「积极思考」,因它超越了思想层面。它也不是专治罪恶、疾病与死亡的一套「形上疗法」,而是,它开启了神圣的慧眼。在那慧眼下,真神无所不包且无所不在的爱,让你明白了,原来根本没有什么罪过、疾病与死亡需要治疗的,那么你的兄弟或姊妹便可说是痊愈了。 「心灵治愈」不过证实了一件事:有个人自愿地替另一个人在他充满内疚的心里,为他看出自己原本纯洁无罪的真相。它越过那惯于惩罚的正义,恢复了那人的清白,这是因为他已邀请了「圣爱」插手其间,对方的圆满真相才可能显现出来。 那个圣爱通常会频频催促着你给他平常你不太能给自己的那一种仁慈待遇,这一经验会帮你发现,你在他身上所发掘出来的纯洁真相,原来也是你自己的真相,没有任何力量比得上圣爱之手的治愈效果。 今天就开始从生活的小事上,试着用纯洁无罪的眼光去看自己的弟兄姊妹吧!让他的纯洁本性得以呈现于你眼前,那不只治愈了他,还会治愈了你自己的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear friends, In order to gift your brother with healing, you must provide him with a better perception of himself than that which he is presently embodying. And in order to do that, you must be willing to abandon whatever perception you are currently holding about him. Healing involves the experience of a "measuring stick" not present in, and not available to, the ego frame of reference, and therefore healing amounts to a gift which neither one of you has the personal capacity to give to yourself or each other. Yet, healing occurs. And its occurrence demonstrates that when you are willing to release him from your current concept of him in order to let the Truth of him be revealed to you, the revelation constitutes an act/experience of Love which transcends the best concepts either of you have about him . . . transforming him, and you as well. This is not "positive thinking." It is beyond thought. It is not metaphysical "treatment" of sin, disease and death. It is the uncovering of Vision in which God's Allness and God's Love discloses no sin, disease and death to be treated, and your brother says, "I'm healed." Healing is the evidence of someone standing in receipt of another's willingness to see innocence beyond where guilt holds reign, exoneration beyond where justice called for punishment, because Love was invited to reveal the Truth of him. Often Love impels you to extend to him what you cannot so graciously give to yourself, and in the revelation you discover that the Truth of him is true of you, as well. No one can get beyond the reach of Love's sweet healing touch. No one can stand accused of such atrocities that someone's willingness to see his innocence cannot reveal God's Will has not been thwarted - and that there is no "crime" which calls for suffering or death. Begin today to find small ways to see your brother through the eyes of innocence, that his might be revealed to you and heal him . . . and you as well. Rajpur Kingston, Washington June 30, 2002 转自:奇迹课程中文部 Rajpur 专栏2007/7/23