听过电影《天使之城》中那首动人心弦的主题曲吗?听过电影《瓶中信》中那感人肺腑的歌声吗?听过电视连续剧《开创世纪》中那温暖得犹如天籁的女声吗?也许你从未听过。也许你正在恒久的感动中而又无法找寻歌曲的来源时,她来了,CARON NIGHTINGALE来了,带着她的音乐,带着她独一无二沁人心脾的音乐来了。
CARON NIGHTINGALE 的演绎绝对是别具一格的,她的唱腔中带着标志性的鼻音,轻柔地,舒缓地衬托出一种难以言传的味道,令听者从耳膜开始发痒,然后如此颤栗的感觉会逐渐遍布全身,直达灵魂深处。不用躲藏,她的音乐是窥视自然的窗;不用彷徨,她的声音是坚定的光;聆听,是神的召唤,聆听,是爱的气息,聆听,是梦的翅膀,聆听,是心的港湾!
用任何言辞去形容 CARON NIGHTINGALE的音乐都是难窥全貌的:是浓浓的爱意?是厚厚的深情?是无尽的思念?是无边的期盼?CARON NIGHTINGALE用音乐传达了内心的安定和渴望,用声音刺穿了虚假和伪装。
《瓶中信》主题曲,由Caron Nightingale演唱,Nightingale,夜莺的意思,人如其名,歌如其名。如空气流动般深情地独自诉说,那样欲言还止的忧伤。
I have a smile
stretched from ear to ear
to see you walking down the road
We meet at the lights
I stare for a while
the world around disappears
Just you and me
on this island of hope
a breath between us could be miles
Let me surround you
my sea to your shore
let me be the calm you seek
Oh and every time I’m close to you
there’s too much I can’t say
and you just walk away
And I forgot
to tell you
I love you
and the night’s
too long
and cold here
without you
I grieve in my condition
for I cannot find the words to say I need you so
Oh and every time I’m close to you
there’s too much I can’’t say
and you just walk away
And I forgot
to tell you
I love you
and the night’s
too long
and cold here
without you