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高海 发表于:2012/3/5 18:59:59

摘要: 你必须勇于放下自己的角色,放弃得如此彻底,不惜去面对自己对「绝佳本质」所怀的恐惧

Raj 述 若水译


于是,你成了「神圣堡垒的卫士」,不再是它透明的展示体,如今,你囚禁在自己的角色内,不再是祂寄身的东主(Host to God)







"Religion is a defense against having a religious experience."

- Joseph Campbell -

Dear friends,

There is a place of Excellence in you, so excellent that you have built a wall around It to protect It from dishonor, disrespect and threat of any kind. So strong is this defense that you have built, and so laborious its maintenance, it has become the veil that hides It from the world, indeed, but covers It from you as well. "Defender of Its sanctity" is what you have become, instead of Its transparency. And now you are the hostage of your role instead of Host to God.

The Excellence in You needs no defense. It is immutable, omnipotent, because It is the absence of an opposite. Defending It has been a waste of time . . . or shall I say it has "created" time and cast it like a great projection on eternity, on timelessness. And while you watch the clock and use its measurements defending the defenseless, well . . . the Excellence in You continues to be Excellent.

The Excellence in You, unchanged by everything you are not doing but believe you are, awaits your rediscovery, your willingness to be Its host, and thus Your own as God expressed. But you must dare to quit your role, abandon it completely, even though it means that you will have to face your fear of Excellence . . . of being Excellent.

To dream of excellence is wise if Excellence, Itself, will make of you a target. And to strive for excellence without achieving it is sensible if Excellence achieved will be the cause of jealousy and hate. And so you find that your defense of It was not on Its behalf, but yours, and this is why you kept It from your sight.

You are afraid of Excellence, of being Excellence, because you have forgotten that It is Invincibility, Itself. It is the peace of Mind in which no conflict can arise because there is no claim to presence other than the Presence God is Being there as You.

There is no risk for you in forfeiting your role. It is "risk-free." But you will not discover this until you do it! And, to make it easier, remember that:

The Excellence in You, unchanged by everything you are not doing but believe you are, awaits your rediscovery, your willingness to be Its host, and thus Your own as God expressed.

Kingston, Washington
March 15, 2002

转自:奇迹课程中文部 Rajpur 专栏2006/9/18

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