The belief in a hollow Earth had some adherents in Nazi Germany. There is even a legend which says that Hitler and his chief advisers escaped the last days of the Third Reich by going through the opening at the South Pole.
Some of Hitler's top advisors - perhaps even Hitler himself - believed that the Earth was hollow; and there was at least one expedition by the Nazi military to exploit that belief for strategic advantage during the war.
As with all such stories, it's often difficult to sort out facts, exaggerations, and outright fabrications. But it's anintriguing tale, and one that requires a little background.
如同所有这类故事,挑出事实,夸张和直接伪造时常是困难的。但是它是anintriguing故事, 而同样需要小背景。
The "inverted Earth" theory, claims that we - our civilization - actually exists on the inside of the globe. We are held fast to the ground not by gravity, but by centrifugal force as the Earth rotates. The stars, so goes the theory, are twinkling chunks of ice suspended high in the air, and the illusion of day and night is caused by a rotating central sun that is half brilliant, half dark. Cyrus Teed, an alchemist from Utica, N.Y., was one of the first people to popularize this idea. So obsessed was he with the idea that he founded a religion based on it, changed his name to Koresh, and established a commune for Koreshanity in Chicago in 1888. In Germany, independently of the Koreshans, another group also was founded that adhered to the inverted Earth idea, and it was this concept that was accepted by some segments of the Nazi hierarchy.
这“反转地球”理论声称我们-我们的文明-实际上存在于地球内部。我们被牢固地固定在地上不是靠引力而是靠如地球旋转的离心力。按照这个理论星星是悬浮在空中闪烁的大冰块,而白天与黑夜的幻想被一中心旋转的半明半暗的太阳引发。Cyrus Teed,一位来自纽约尤蒂卡的炼金术士,是最初普及这个想法的人们之一。他被该想法如此困惑以致他基于此创立一个信仰,将他的名字改为Koresh,于1988年在芝加哥建立一个Koreshanity社团。在德国,依靠Koreshans,建立了主张反转地球思想的另一个社团,而这就是该观念被纳粹高层某些人所接受。
The scenario told at the beginning of this article accepts one hollow Earth theory, while the facts seem to show that some Nazis actually believed in the other.
Hitler's Nazis were convinced that they were destined to rule the world, and they came to this warped conclusion through the acceptance of many occult beliefs and practices, including astrology, the prophecies of Nostradamus, and the hollow/inverted Earth theory.
Because they suspected that our surface is on the interior of a concave Earth, Hitler sent an expedition, including Dr. Heinz Fischer and powerful telescopic cameras, to the Baltic island of Rugen to spy on the British fleet. Fischer did so not by aiming his cameras across the waters, but by pointing them up to peer across the atmosphere to the Atlantic Ocean. The expedition was a failure, of course. Fischer's cameras saw nothing but sky, and the British fleet remained safe.
因为他们猜想我们地表是凹入地球的内部,西特勒派遣一支探险队,包括Heinz Fischer博士和伸缩照相机,到Rugen波罗的海岛侦察英国舰队。Fischer这样做没有靠他的照相机搜寻水面,而是将它们对准大西洋搜寻大气。当然探险失败了。Fischer的照相机除了天空什么也没有看见,而英国舰队仍然安全。
There's the legend... that Hitler and many of his Nazi minions escaped Germany in the closing days of World War II and fled to Antarctica where at the South Pole they had discovered an entrance to the Earth's interior. According to the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario, Canada, they are still there.。After the war, the organization claims, the Allies discovered that more than 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had vanished, along with almost a million people, to the land beyond the South Pole. This story gets more complicated with Nazi-designed UFOs, Nazi collaboration with the people who live in the center of the Earth, and the explanation for "Aryan-looking" UFO pilots.
有个传说... 西特勒和他的许多亲信在第二次世界大战结束的日子里逃离了德国而逃到南极洲,在南极他们发现一个通向地球内部的入口。根据在安大略湖、加拿大空心地球调查社会,它们仍在那里。二次世界大战后,团体声称协约国发现来自德国和意大利的2,000 位以上的科学家消失不见了,随同将近一百万人们到了南极上的陆地。这个故事随纳粹设计飞碟变得更加扑溯迷离,纳粹同生活在地心的人们在一起,而该说法来自“长相像雅利安人” UFO飞行员。