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《流浪者手册》——关于本书  发帖心情 Post By:2008/10/23 9:51:51 [只看该作者]



ET 灵性局外人使用手册, 精华版

作者: Carla Lisbeth Rueckert

摘要与编辑: Jim McCarty

出版商:/ 研究中心(L/L Research)

肯德基州, 路易斯维尔




Copyright ? 2001 L/L Research

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, ele_ronic or mechanical, including photocopying or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission from the copyright holder.

ISBN: 0-945007-16-7

Library of Congress Control Number: 2001117026

Published by L/L Research

Box 5195,Louisville, Kentucky 40255-0195

Telephone and Fax: (502) 245-6495

E-mail: jim@llresearch.org

Printed in the United States of America.This handbook is dedicated to:Don Elkins, beloved companion, great soul, visionary, scientist,philosopher, questioner and still my teacher on the inner planes and Jim McCarty, widest-awake wanderer, wondrous husband,shaman, artist, gardener, gentleman, gallant knight
and the best person I have ever known.


(c)2006 中文翻译: SUIPauliTerry.

Edited by c.T.




Thanks to:

St. James of the Gardens, Jim McCarty, for ceaseless months of data colle_ion, editing and abridging, for believing in the work throughout six years of trial and error, for being the most supportive husband in the universe.

Ian Jaffray, for incredible patience in editing and designing this volume, for converting our channeling archive to digital form so that we could search it for topics for this handbook and for setting up our web site and maintaining it for many years. I could never have colle_ed these stories without you.

Roman Vodacek, for setting up our computers and maintaining them, and for creating the forms for our data bases used in the book, and for being the third member at many a meditation.

Dana Redfield, for suggestions, copy notes and personal support through three rewrites.

Nancy Prussia-Merritt, Steve and Cindy Ferguson and others,who gave support when it was most needed.

Jody Boyne and Ron Sheek, who sent so many wanderers and spiritual outsiders to us to tell their stories, give their opinions and ask questions.

Every person that wrote to us over the last six years. Your questions, comments and advice to others shaped the handbook.

Don Elkins, angel on my shoulder throughout the writing of the handbook, and Pickwick and Mauve, kitty cat angels who stationed themselves above and below my computer while I worked on this project and kept me safe and sound.

Leo Sprinkle and Steve Tyman, gentlemen-scholars whose early reading of the manuscript helped so much.

Martha Ellen Johnson, my aunt, who gave up early suppers together so I could work all day and half the night!

The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator, whose thoughts have formed the resources I have most wanted to share, and whose presence has blessed me, this handbook and my life so richly.

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