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我可以享有特殊的爱吗?  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:19:47 [只看该作者]

摘要: 我知道J兄说过他不会夺走我们的特殊关系,而是会把特殊关系转化为神圣的关系。我却担心,是不是有些特殊关系问题更大一点?……我想知道,我怎样才能驱散恐惧,不再担心我和妻子的爱是不是不太对?


Q #1139 问:

Q #1139: My wife, whom I love very deeply, is a very nurturing and tender woman. I enjoy her mothering me, and she makes me feel safe and loved. I know that Jesus says he will not take special relationships from us, but will transform them. But are some special relationships worse than others? Are special needs different from special relationships, and are we allowed to have them? It seems to me that everyone has special needs and we all give and take; we all need people to not hurt us -- not that our peace of mind is dependent on our special needs being met. How can I understand and dispel this fear that my relationship with my wife is somehow wrong? What would our relationship look like as it is transformed? It scares me to death to open this issue to you and leave myself vulnerable to any judgments you might have.

答: 奇迹课程与我们这项服务(Q&A)的目的,绝非要来评断人们建立特殊关系是错的。我们不可能没有特殊关系,就像你说的,我们都有需要,也都盼望着别人来满全那些需求,并且不要伤害我们。



A: It is not the purpose of A Course in Miracles , nor ours on this Service, to judge anyone for being involved in a special relationship. It is just about impossible not to be involved in one, for as you say, we all have needs, and we all look to others to fulfill those needs and not hurt us. What Jesus is teaching us is that these relationships are based on a hidden premise that we need to bring into the light and question -- specifically, that we are incomplete and it is not our fault. The ego has pulled the wool over our eyes with this, and therefore we do not see how we are actually hurting, not helping ourselves by seeking for comfort and completion outside us. We don't realize that this is just the ego's way of sustaining its own existence. Jesus thus wants us to see how we are selling ourselves short when we become involved in what he calls “an endless, unrewarding chain of special relationships” (T.15.VII.4:6). Yes, we may experience comfort and security in a relationship -- that is not wrong and we are not asked to stop that -- but the security and comfort are always temporary, limited, and fragile. At any moment everything could change, and we would be back at square one, wondering what to do to have our needs met again. Jesus is teaching us that there is a much better way of relating to others, one that will not disappoint us, because it will restore lasting peace and happiness to our awareness. The better way, of course is changing the purpose of the relationship from the ego's to the Holy Spirit's, with the confident expectation that we will feel much better if we do.


Thus, this is not about showing you that your relationship with your wife is wrong, but rather about changing the purpose of that relationship so you will get back in touch with the love in your mind that is your true identity, as well as your wife's. A transformed relationship is one in which you experience your centeredness in Jesus' love and therefore have no needs that you look to have filled by another. The holy relationship is entirely a matter of the content you have chosen in your mind; it is not about bodies behaving in a different way. Relationships are only in the mind, and accepting the Holy Spirit's purpose for the relationship does not necessarily mean that anything would change externally. Most often it does not. It is an inner change that takes place, in the sense that you are more kind and loving in your attitude -- less judgmental, less needy, less guilty and fearful. You would realize that the relationship is not about what bodies do together, but about minds sharing the same interests and ultimately the same identity, both within the illusion and in truth as God's innocent, invulnerable Son. The sense of separation between you and your partner would gradually diminish in importance and relevance, and would be replaced by a growing sense of your sameness.

在正视自己的「特殊关系」时,一定会不舒服的,因为特殊关系其实根植于自欺,其目的是想取代上主的爱(T.17.IV.2:7).,而我们的心中为此深埋了强烈的罪疚与恐惧。所以,我们的脚步必须超越小我,而回溯发现它所隐藏起来的大爱。J兄向我们保证这一定会成功,但他绝对不会强迫我们就范。 他只要求我们,发出一点小小的愿心,愿意去质疑我们的信念和价值观,如此而已。J兄会欣然临现于过程中的每一步,指引我们的前路。「救赎是如此的慈祥,你只需向它悄悄打个招呼,它就会全力以赴地伸出援手。有上主与你同在,你一点儿也不脆弱。」(T.14.IX.3:2,3)

There is bound to be discomfort in looking at the special relationship because of its roots in self-deception and especially because its purpose to be a substitute for the God's Love (T.17.IV.2:7). We have buried in our minds intense guilt and fear over this, and so it is necessary to retrace our steps to get beyond the ego to the love that it hides. Jesus guarantees our success in this, and never puts pressure on us to get on with it. Only a little willingness to question our beliefs and values is asked of us. Jesus' comforting presence will guide us through each step of the process. “The Atonement is so gentle you need but whisper to it, and all its power will rush to your assistance and support. You are not frail with God beside you” (T.14.IX.3:2,3).



转自:奇迹课程中文部 Ken Wapnic专栏 2008/9/28

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