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主题:Q #28如何宽恕凶残?

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Q #28如何宽恕凶残?  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:06:20 [只看该作者]


施宏扬 林慧如 合译 若水修订

Q #28:






这就是为何奇迹课程说,宽恕我们的弟兄,因为他们什么也没有做。心甘情愿地宽恕上主之子并未真正做出的事情吧!(T.17.III.1:5) 是我们错误的信念造成我们的感觉,而非那个杀人凶手。如果我们愿意这样看待事情,表示我们已经开始质疑小我的谎言,已经准备好接受另一种看待事情的眼光。








How do I forgive others for their horrible acts? How can I forgive the sniper? Is this not real? Is it the distraction of the ego?

I also fear what is real. When I say, above all I want to see, I become terrified. I have a hard time giving up this world we created. I love some of my creations, like my family. Don't I need to die to return to my reality? Won't I be lonely?

A: The forgiveness the Course is teaching us is a process of looking at a situation such as the sniper killings and asking ourselves what this event is telling us about what we believe.

We begin by looking honestly at our reactions to these killings which include all kinds of feelings and judgments about the victims and the victimizers. All these feelings and thoughts are useful in uncovering the hidden beliefs of the ego thought system; that the world is real, that we are bodies, that what we call death is the end of what we call "life", that we are vulnerable to attack…the list goes on and on.

The Course then asks us to recognize that all these are feelings and thoughts about ourselves that we have projected on to the victims as well as the victimizers. We are learning that the feelings/thoughts along with the pain they cause were already with us before the event took place. The event only seemed to cause the feelings.

This is why the Course says we forgive our brothers for what they did not do. "Be willing to forgive the Son of God for what he did not do" (T.17.III.1,5). The snipers did not cause our feelings, our mistaken beliefs did. If we are willing to look at any situation in this way we are beginning to question the ego’s lies. We are then in a position to ask for another way of seeing.

This is sometimes very difficult to do, it takes practice and a lot of honesty, but it is the only way we can get in touch with the beliefs that are keeping us rooted in a thought system that is causing us a lot of pain. This pain is coming from believing the ego’s lies and not from the situation, in this case the killings.

It is very important that we practice this without denying any of the feelings or thoughts we do have about the outrageous events in this ego world of fear and hatred and without forcing ourselves to try to accept a new belief system that challenges our usual ego perspective. This will only entrench us in our mistaken views and make us more afraid.

If we are willing to just say "maybe I’m wrong about this", then the world we’ve made and all our relationships, including those we "love", become our classroom for learning the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of everything we experience rather than serving as a distraction.

(Note: the Course uses the term "made" for the ego’s world. "Creation" refers to God’s extension of love on the level of the Mind only.)

The Course tells us the Holy Spirit will not take any of our special relationships away from us but will instead give us a different interpretation and a different purpose for them. Without them we would not be aware of the mistaken beliefs about ourselves or the judgments (whether for good or for bad) that keep us in our deep sleep.

We have made ourselves afraid of what is real and that is why we have a Teacher who is inviting us to take small steps with Him toward a new way of thinking. If we do this with Jesus or the Holy Spirit by our side we will not be lonely or dead.

Eventually we will fully waken from the dream with the realization that we were in fact only dreaming, with no thought or need for dying. Meanwhile each step in forgiveness brings us more peace and takes us closer to our truth where our family will include everyone and we will not experience any sense of loss.

转自:奇迹课程中文部 Ken Wapnick 2006/4/18

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Q #28如何宽恕凶残?
