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正见:修正之源 希望的承诺(三)要求特殊之物  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:16:26 [只看该作者]





因此,基督希望我们在企图要求特殊之物时,能想想这样做会让我们抛弃多少上帝的爱之礼物啊。在祂关于“被遗忘的歌曲”的讨论里,基督提醒我们3与之相伴的泛音、和音及回音,都是次要的(S- 1.I. 3:3)。-那些音符本身并没有什么特别(T-21.I.7:1)。在练习手册中,我们看到了关于小我手段的更直接的归纳:它不过存心迷惑我们,让我们分不清问题的实质以及它的解决之道。害怕我们的决策思维,怕它认识到问题出在自己把小我的分裂作为它的实相,怕它选择圣灵的宽恕来修正这个错误,小我就把问题从思想投射到身体上。一旦注意力扎根于身体和身体形成的世界,它就会把全副精力都用在解决小我呈现给我们的多种问题,拿出那看似有理的解决之道。耶稣这样说:

你若不知道问题所在,就无法对症下药。2纵然问题实际上已经解决了,你的问题还在,因为你尚未认出问题已解决了。3这就是当今世界的处境。4它唯一真正的问题,就是分裂,而这问题早已解决了。5除非先认清问题所在,否则便无从认出解决方案。……世界好似呈现给你一大堆的问题,每一个都需要不同的答复。….. 其间的错综复杂,皆肇因于你拼命不想认出问题的真相,也不愿它真正解决。(W-pI.79.1; 4:2; 6:1).






任何特殊的问题都带来大量的假设,这些假设限制了答案。一个特殊的问题实际上已经决定哪种答案是可接受的。文字的目的就是限制。通过限制,使得大量的经验领域得以被控制。但那意味着这些经验是被你控制的。(Absence from Felicity, p. 445).


Asking for Specifics

We are told repeatedly in A Course in Miracles that purpose is everything, and that the only question we should ever ask of anything is: What is it for? (e.g., T-17.VI.2:1-2). Therefore, we need to examine the purpose behind our asking for specifics, when it so clearly goes against the message of the Course. The answer to this question is obvious when we consider the ego's strategy of mindlessness.

To ask for specifics reflects the belief that the world is real, reinforced by our focusing attention on the body and not the decision-making mind. Jesus addresses this in the beginning of The Song of Prayer, the companion pamphlet that is an extension of the Course's principles. The context is prayer, or asking the Holy Spirit for help:

To ask for the specific is much the same as to look on sin and then forgive it. Also in the same way, in prayer you overlook your specific needs as you see them, and let them go into God's Hands.…What could His answer be but your remembrance of Him? Can this be traded for a bit of trifling advice about a problem of an instant's duration? (S-1.I.4:2-3,5-6)

Jesus, therefore, wants us to consider the magnitude of the gift of God's Love we have thrown away, in exchange for which we have the trifling specifics of our life of specialness. In his discussion in the text on the song of love we have forgotten, he reminds us that the notes of this song -- its specific parts (“the overtones, the harmonics, the echoes” [S- 1.I. 3:3] -- are nothing [T-21.I.7:1]). And in the workbook, we read an even more direct summary of the ego's strategy of confusing us Afraid the decision-making mind would locate the problem in itself -- having chosen the ego's separation as its reality -- and thus correct its mistake by choosing the Holy Spirit's Atonement, the ego, as we have seen, projects the problem from the mind to the body. as to the nature of the problem and its solution. Once attention is rooted in the body and its world, it is directed toward solving the multitudinous problems the ego presents to us, as well as its holding out the carrot of meaningful solutions. Here are Jesus words:

A problem cannot be solved if you do not know what it is. Even if it is really solved already you will still have the problem, because you will not recognize that it has been solved. This is the situation of the world. The problem of separation, which is really the only problem, has already been solved. Yet the solution is not recognized because the problem is not recognized.…The world seems to present you with a vast number of problems, each requiring a different answer.…All this complexity is but a desperate attempt not to recognize the problem, and therefore not to let it be resolved (W-pI.79.1; 4:2; 6:1).

This message is reiterated in the text, where Jesus lays out for us the ego's purpose for our problems:

By becoming involved with tangential issues, it hopes to hide the real question and keep it out of mind. The ego's characteristic busyness with nonessentials is for precisely that purpose. Preoccupations with problems set up to be incapable of solution are favorite ego devices for impeding learning progress (T-4.V.6:4-6).

It is clear from these passages that when we ask Jesus or the Holy Spirit for help with specific problems, we are allowing the ego's agenda of subterfuge to contaminate our relationship with our Teachers. They thus become part of the problem instead of the answer. This was the gist of a personal message to Helen in 1977, at a time when she was repeatedly asking Jesus for very specific help for very specific problems, isuch as where to shop for clothes or what street corner to stand on to hail a cab. This period, which actually extended for several years, was very helpful to Helen in the sense that it exemplified Jesus' loving and gentle kindness in meeting her where she was, instead of demanding that she come to him. It was a wonderful example of the meaning of this passage, which also came early in the scribing:

The value of the Atonement does not lie in the manner in which it is expressed. In fact, if it is used truly, it will inevitably be expressed in whatever way is most helpful to the receiver. This means that a miracle, to attain its full efficacy, must be expressed in a language that the recipient can understand without fear (T-2.IV.5:1-3).

Since Helen was clearly in a fear-driven state, and her trust in Jesus ambivalent, to say the very least(1), it was helpful for her to experience his help and love in a form that was comfortable for her; i.e., these specific, relatively unimportant concerns. Yet to have continued this practice indefinitely would have been deleterious to her own growth, not to mention sabotaging her relationship with her beloved elder brother. And so, when she was ready -- meaning her fear had sufficiently abated -- she was able to hear the following:

Any specific question involves a large number of assumptions which inevitably limit the answer. A specific question is actually a decision about the kind of answer that is acceptable. The purpose of words is to limit, and by limiting, to make a vast area of experience more manageable. But that means manageable by you (Absence from Felicity, p. 445).

In other words, Helen's questions to Jesus were specifically designed -- albeit unconsciously -- to “manage” him; to so control the relationship that his love (“a vast area of experience”) and true correction in her mind would have relatively little effect on her. Her requests, at times even demands, reinforced her mindless state and thus limited Jesus' help to what she presented to him. His message did finally get through, for shortly thereafter Helen was able to move away from such specificity and begin to accept Jesus' true correction of undoing her ego.(2)

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正见:修正之源 希望的承诺(三)要求特殊之物
