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奇迹课程说寂寞  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:14:05 [只看该作者]

摘要: 只有问对了问题,才能找到解决人心寂寞的唯一解答(W.pI.41.1,2; W.pII.223.1.)。那解答必然来自心灵的结合,不会来自肉体。

奇迹课程如何说明寂寞(编译自Ken Wapnick Q&A 292)    

Eaglerc/学徒小组合译   感谢亲爱的弟兄,为我们摘录了部份正文


上主之子的寂寞就是天父的寂寞。3不要排斥对自己圆满境界的意识,也不要试着靠自己去恢复本来面目。4不要怕把救恩交托于救主的圣爱中。5祂不会辜负你的,因祂来自永不负所望的那一位。6了解你的挫折感不过是因你误解了自己的真相罢了。7因为上主的神圣居所是不可能败北的,他所愿之事也不可能被人否定掉。8你永远都在一种极其神圣的关系中,能召唤所有的人脱离孤独,融入你的爱内。9你所在之处,众人必将尾随而至,并在那儿找到你。 (T15.VIII.3)




答:奇迹课程说,寂寞是分离之念的必然结果(T.13.III.12:1; M.10:6:1,2,6)。在课程中,耶稣用了四个段落(T.2.III.5:11,12; T.4.VII.6:7; T.7.VII.10:5,6,7; T.15.VIII.3:2),描述上主与其圣子因分离而同感寂寞。在此,耶稣显然颇有诗人的新意,祂描述上主对分离之念的反应,以对比出,小我自以为分裂必招上主义怒的恐惧心态(参见Q#136)。实际上,上主绝不会因我们的疯狂念头而有所改变,上主是永恒为一而绝不可分的。



只有问对了问题(与上主分离),才能找到解决人心寂寞的唯一解答(W.pI.41.1,2; W.pII.223.1.)。那解答必然来自心灵的结合,不会来自肉体。于是,我们迟早会明白,我们其实从未分离过,因为真正的连结是永在的。耶稣在下段非常抚慰人心的话中,提醒我们,祂永远与我们同在,故寂寞的感受(或幻觉)绝非真实.



Q #292: What does A Course in Miracles say about loneliness? I have been feeling lonely very often in my life. Even in love relationships. I felt lonely as a child in my family and still do feel lonely very often in other family-like systems. How could I change my mind about feeling lonely?

A: The Course describes loneliness as an inevitable outcome of the thought of separation (T.13.III.12:1; M.10:6:1,2,6). Jesus adds emphasis to this causal relationship by describing God, as well as His Son, as lonely as a result of the separation -- in four different passages (T.2.III.5:11,12; T.4.VII.6:7; T.7.VII.10:5,6,7; T.15.VIII.3:2). Obviously, Jesus is using poetic license -- his purpose being to provide an alternative view of God’s reaction to the thought of separation, in contrast to the ego’s fearful assertion that God is angry because we left Him (see Question #136 for more on this point). For God is unchanged by our insane thoughts and remains forever One and undivided.

If we are honest with ourselves, all of us who truly believe we exist in the separated state of individuality, limited by and contained within our bodies, and isolated from everyone else, must feel lonely. For who could not feel he is apart from love and not experience loneliness? In the words of the Course, “As long as you perceive the body as your reality, so long will you perceive yourself as lonely and deprived” (T.15.XI.5:1).

The ego insists that we can overcome our loneliness through the companionship of other bodies. But the joining we seek through physical proximity and intimacy in our special relationships can at best only dispel the painful feelings of isolation temporarily, for bodies can not really join, and the ego’s real but hidden agenda is always to reinforce our belief in our guilt (T.15.VII.12). For seeking to be with others to take away our loneliness only gives support to the ego’s lie that the separation is indeed real and that the body is our reality. For most of us, most of the time, the resulting loneliness is too excruciating, and so we seek to cover it over through denial, employing various distractions to keep us mindless. But we never question its premise -- the reality of the separation.

It is only through raising that question that the only solution to our loneliness can be found (W.pI.41.1,2; W.pII.223.1). And the answer is found through experiencing the joining of minds, not bodies. Then we learn that we are not really separate, for that joining is always available to us. Jesus, in the following very comforting passage, reminds us that he is always with us, and so loneliness cannot be real:

“I am come as a light into a world that does deny itself everything. It does this simply by dissociating [separating] itself from everything. It is therefore an illusion of isolation, maintained by fear of the same loneliness that is its illusion. I said that I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. That is why I am the light of the world. If I am with you in the loneliness of the world, the loneliness is gone. You cannot maintain the illusion of loneliness if you are not alone” (T.8.IV.2:1,2,3,4,5,6,7).

Now we may doubt that the solution could be so simple, but Jesus assures us that it is. However. that does not mean that it is easy. Yet as we become more willing to see that our interests are not separate from our brothers and to release each of our judgments against both ourselves and others, Jesus and the love that he represents will become more real in our minds, and we will come to experience the truth of his words.

转自:奇迹课程中文部 Ken Wapnick专栏 2008/7/30

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