(资料来源:http://www.facimoutreach.org/qa/questions/questions61.htm#Q331 )
翻译:皮哩哩 (奇迹群学友)2008/7月
Q #331: Krishnamurti, in one of his books, says that all fear comes to an end the instant all psychological authority including our own ends in the mind. With no authority how can there be fear? He also mentions that all fear comes to an end the instant you realize you are the author of it. He said this doesn't even take a day. Maybe only ten minutes to see it clearly. Can you comment on the above ideas? Lastly, if there are no specialness thoughts why do we have to give them up? Doesn't that reinforce the ego by making it real?
A: Krishnamurti and A Course in Miracles are not saying anything very much different from each other.
The Course simply adds a mythology of the ego to illustrate the origins of the "dynamics" of fear.
With the belief in separation, the Course says we have made the idea of a separate superior judgmental authority -- the ego god, which is really nothing more than a projection of our own desire to seize authority/authorship from God our Source (T.3.VI.7,8) -- very real in our minds.
And we remain at odds with this authority so long as we seek to maintain our own individual existence and so to see this controlling authority as separate from ourselves.
Fear then is inevitable, for the illusory, fragmentary self we believe we are must seem very vulnerable if we are to deny our role in first seizing the authority for ourselves. We project responsibility for the attack outside ourselves in order to assuage our guilt.
And fear is impossible in this perfect state of Oneness in which there can be nothing apart from Self to fear.
And so, in any moment when we release our belief in separate interests and conflicting authority -- our own and anyone else’s -- and we see our own role in making up the conflict inthe first place, all fear must simply vanish. This need not take time, since nothing except our own thinking needs to shift. It is only our own resistance to love, which is how we maintain our separate self, that will make the release from fear seem difficult and likely to take a long time.
As for specialness thoughts, you are right, they are not real and they are not the problem.It is our desire for and belief in specialness, and not the thoughts themselves, that must be released, but not by fighting or resisting. We are only ever asked to look at what we have made real in our own minds and acknowledge the consequences of that illusory choice to our peace of mind. When we no longer want specialness and what it brings, the thoughts willsimply dissipate "into the nothingness from which [they] came" (M.13.1:2).