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主题:Q #135关于自杀

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Q #135关于自杀  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:07:24 [只看该作者]


施宏扬 林慧如合译   若水修订


1. 可否请你以「奇迹课程」的观点谈谈“自杀”这个问题?

2. 由「课程」的观点来看,怎样才是面对自杀的“正确”心态?

3. 我祖父自杀了。既然死亡只是我们与上主分裂后的一个幻觉。那么自杀有错?还是说,自杀时觉得与上主分裂的那种心态是错的?当一个人真的自杀后,他会怎样呢?人们离开了这个虚幻的世界后,是否会自然地与上主合一呢?

4. 我内人近日自杀了。她和我以前都是「课程」的学员。有时我纳闷,倘若这一切都是幻觉,那我们为何还要继续活下去?为什么我们还要跟这场人生奋战,怎么说它都不属于「真实世界」,不是吗?这一切究竟为了什么?


但课程也清楚说明了,死亡只是心识里的一个念头而已,与身体无关(e.g., W.pI.163.1:1; W.pI.167.2:1,2,3)。小我之所以会有这种疯狂却虚幻不实的念头,是因它相信可以藉此攻击上主,为的是要从祂那儿夺取一个独立的身份。这样的想法,不仅代表了谋杀(宣判上主之死),也代表了自杀(宣判基督自性之死)。所以,由此疯狂的想法衍生出来在这肉体世界的种种行为,是不可能真实或正常的。







Q #135: The following four questions all address the issue of suicide and so will be answered together:

i. Could you please comment on the Course's view on suicide?

ii. What is the "right" way to cope with suicide, seen through the eyes of A Course in Miracles?

iii. My grandfather committed suicide. Death, our separation from God -- it’s all an illusion. So is suicide wrong? Or is it the state of mind -- feeling separated from God -- while committing suicide that is wrong? What happens if one does commit suicide? Do people automatically become one with God when they are not in the illusion of the world?

iv. My wife recently committed suicide. She and I were students of A Course in Miracles. Sometimes I wonder, if all this is an illusion, what is the purpose of our staying alive? Why should we struggle with this life that is not part of the real world anyway? What is the purpose of any of this?

A: From the perspective of the Course, every death is really suicide. For, as Jesus explains, "No one can die unless he chooses death" (T.19.IV.C.1:4), and again later, "No one dies without his own consent. Nothing occurs but represents your wish, and nothing is omitted that you choose" (W.pI.152.1:4,5).

But the Course also makes it clear that death is a thought in the mind that has nothing to do with the body (e.g., W.pI.163.1:1; W.pI.167.2:1,2,3). For the ego itself has its origins in an insane but illusory thought of death -- the belief that we can attack God in order to wrest a separate individual self from Him. Such a thought represents not only murder -- the death of God -- but also suicide -- the death of our true Self as Christ. And so whatever follows in the world of bodies and behavior from this initial insane thought can be no more real or sane.

Because the Course always asks us to focus on content and purpose rather than form and appearance, all death in the world that comes from an ego thought will be viewed in exactly the same light. The ego’s purpose in all death is to prove that the separation is real and that, in the end, God triumphs over us by taking back from us the life that we have stolen from Him. We can either resist until we finally succumb to more powerful external forces, or we can resign ourselves to our fate and yield to death by our own hands. What form death may come in then does not matter, for the content is always the same -- our puny, painful life is ours only for a limited time before we inevitably must lose it.

On the other hand, looking with Jesus or the Holy Spirit, we would see all death, including suicide, as no different in content, but only in form, from every other choice we ever make here in the world that is based on our perception of ourselves as separate and alone, in pain, vulnerable and victimized. And yet we would know that that perception is false, based as it is on a faulty premise about ourselves, that we are this body, trapped in a harsh, cruel world, not of our making, desperately battling against insurmountable odds to find a little peace and happiness in a hopeless situation over which we have no control.

From most of the world’s perspective, suicide has a stigma and a negative moral judgment associated with it, but that is simply part of the ego’s defense which insists that both life as a separate self and death of that self are real. From the Course’s perspective, the thought behind suicide, if it is ego-based [Jesus also makes clear that death can be chosen with the guidance of the Holy Spirit (M.12.5; S.3.II)], is a mistake, an error, but that is all. It is not a sin, nor does it entail any negative consequences any different from any other decision we make with the ego as our teacher -- they all reinforce the guilt we unconsciously are wanting to keep alive in our mind to prove that the separation is real. And so suicide is no more of a mistake than the mistake we made in choosing to be born into the world. In both cases, we are trying to deal with the problem of the guilt in our mind by focusing on the seemingly external world and our body, guaranteeing that we will not find a solution. We are attempting to solve the problem of separation in the world, as if the world were the problem, rather than in the mind, where the real problem -- the insane thought of separation -- is buried.

And so, whether we commit suicide or we die in any other way, believing that death is real, we will remain trapped in the self-imposed ego belief in separation. Death does not deliver us from the ego thought system, nor from the world that is its defense. Only looking at the ego thought system with the nonjudgmental presence of Jesus or the Holy Spirit beside us and deciding once and for all that the idea of separation holds no value for us can return us to the experience of our oneness with God. For the world is not depriving us of anything -- only our choice to be separate is.

Even though this world is an illusion, as are our individual lives here -- a life we feel is bracketed between birth and death -- we don’t believe it. If we did, and truly knew the world’s purpose was to attack God and therefore our Self, then of course we would never think of ourselves as being in bodies. But the fact that we all live that way -- breathing, eating, drinking, recreating, etc. -- proves that while we might intellectually believe what A Course in Miracles tells us, it is certainly not our experience.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit’s purpose for our being here, once we have been born, is to have us learn His lessons of forgiveness, including the ultimate lesson that death is unreal. The world then becomes a classroom in which we happily learn what He is teaching us. Wanting to leave the world simply reinforces its reality for us. After all, who would want to leave a place unless he first believed it were real and unpleasant. That is why Jesus tells us in the text: "There is a risk in thinking death is peace" (T.27.VII.10:2). True peace comes not from leaving the physical world, but only through the practice of forgiveness that undoes the mind’s guilt that is the only cause of pain and suffering, as well as the belief in the reality of death. And so, as we are willing, at the pace we choose, we take the small steps of forgiveness that will return us to the glorious eternal Self that we could never destroy, the Self that has remained our Identity despite our foolish digressions into the illusions of death

转自:奇迹课程中文部 Ken Wapnick专栏 2006/4/19

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Q #135关于自杀
