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主题:Q #30瘾头与嗜好

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Q #30瘾头与嗜好  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:04:43 [只看该作者]


摘要: 最有益的方法便是,只是看着你在接受圣灵选择时的不情愿以及觉得耶稣的爱不能满足你的感受,然后不谴责自己这些感觉。持续地对自己和耶稣诚实,了解自己多么不想相信和接受这个课程的教导,并且不要为此而批判自己。


施宏扬 林慧如 合译 若水修订


答: 请记得,这是个过程。对大部份的我们来说,需要相当长的一段时间,而在这过程里,耐心和温柔地对待自己是非常重要的部份,否则,我们又会落入小我把问题当真的陷阱里了。









Q #30: I play computer games, which I really like to do. I believe I have to quit playing these games one day, because I want the Holy Spirit's alternative. There is another distraction I cherish, which is even an addiction. The addiction pulls me completely out of right-mindedness; it is a kick, a thrill, but with many side effects, disadvantages, the burden of anticipation etc. When I really look at it with Jesus, I do not want it anymore. And this is still not what I choose (up until now). There is an unwillingness to let go of these things. That they conflict with the Course…[Jesus] went shoe shopping with Helen for a while, but then also advised her to let it go.

Answer: Keep in mind that this is a process, and that it takes a long time for most of us. Patience and gentleness with ourselves are key parts of this process; otherwise, we fall into the ego's trap of making the error real.

An important piece of advice Jesus gives us at the beginning of the "Rules for Decision" is: "Do not fight yourself" (T-30.I.1:7).
Therefore, the most helpful approach would be to simply look at your reluctance to accept the Holy Spirit's alternative, and your feeling that Jesus' love is not enough for you, and then not condemn yourself for feeling that way. Just continue to be honest with yourself and with Jesus about how much you do not want to believe and accept what this Course is teaching you, and then don't judge yourself for it.
You will be practicing the Course in a very effective way if you can do this. That is what forgiveness is all about. You will be learning that the "sin" you have accused yourself of has had no effect, and that it was only a "tiny, mad idea" that has not changed love in any way.
Jesus is always and only interested in purpose. Thus, Helen was ready to change the purpose of her shopping sprees. She no longer needed to "protect" herself from Jesus' love; therefore, she did not need to go shopping anymore.

When our fear of accepting Jesus' love lessens, our involvement in our defenses against accepting that love will lessen as well. While the specific activities may still be a part of our lives, their purpose will have changed entirely. It is always content, not form.

The experience of peace or conflict has nothing to do with the activity or object itself. Peace and conflict are the result of our having chosen our ego or Jesus as our teacher.

Finally, speaking in general with regard to addictions: It often is necessary to deal with the behavior first -- to take whatever steps can be taken to curtail or stop the destructive behavior. This would reflect the mind's decision to be more loving towards oneself and others.

Then, when the behavior is more under control, the person can begin to deal with the cause of the addiction in the mind. Addictions most often are rooted in overwhelming self-hatred and guilt, which then gets projected onto one's own and/or another's body.

转自:奇迹课程中文部 Ken Wapnick 2006/4/7

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Q #30瘾头与嗜好
