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与圣灵联机vs.三摩地  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 16:47:53 [显示全部帖子]


Tom 答:据我的了解,人们追求「定境」,是为了破除分心状态,让自己的心清明专一下来,才能经验到自性(Mind) 的本然平和之境,它的目的是让你明白,只要你能放下世间的欲望,便能由世间种种苦难中解脱。











Dear Tom, What’s the difference between your experience of" connecting with the H. S.” and Buddhist’s idea of Samadhi?

Don’t we need to calm our mind through meditation first in order to hear the H. S. clearly and correctly?

Dear Waterlike

Regarding the state of Samadhi, my understanding is, the purpose of reaching Samadhi is to rid the mind of distractions and achieve a focus of clear concentration which will enable you to experience a harmony that expresses the true nature of Mind. Its goal was to recognize that in releasing attachments to desires of the world you would also find release from all forms of suffering.
I also believe there is essential value in meditation and using it to rid the mind of distractions to achieve as clear a focus as possible. What I have learned, however, is that no matter how much I am able to clear my mind of its ego perceptions, the unconscious limits it imposes still are present. Issues present in my mind remain an influence on my intention, even though I might not be consciously aware of it, and my intention will surface and affect my thoughts in and out of meditation no matter how clear and uncluttered they may seem. For instance, when I am concerned about healing the world of something my focus is closed to the possibility that what truly needs to be healed is not of the world. It is possible to train yourself through much practice to temporarily set aside the conflicts present in the ego perception and achieve a certain sense of harmony in your thinking. But if the meditation is undertaken to quiet the mind as we know it (of the ego perception), no matter how much we are able to purify our thoughts they are still thoughts pursuing the ego goal of separation. We have been given an alternative way to see and think that is the Presence of oneness, which is our goal of truth. Surrendering our thoughts in meditation into this Presence allows the course of the meditation to be directed into oneness, which assures us we will not be seeking ego goals to distract us.

To specifically answer your question, all my meditations begin with the specific intention to accept the Presence of our God Self and then to be open to whatever comes as a result of that. This is the only way I know to reach a true state of Samadhi that is free of ego intention and connected to the reality of the whole, pure Mind.

My connection to Jesus, our brother, did not occur in meditation. It came because I was confused when I began to study the Course and asked for help in that regard. My “conversations” with him do not need to take place in meditation, but occur spontaneously. I consider that what he tells me is what I would receive from the HS because he has accepted the God Self as his reality, and so what I feel in his presence is what I feel in the Presence of the HS.

I suggest that while it is far, far easier to find the Presence of the HS in your clear meditation, undertaken with that intention, once you have experienced what that is like, it is not always necessary to be in meditation to ask for and receive help. You can teach yourself to trust you will be answered when you ask for help and to feel the knowing of the answers when they come. I use my meditation time with the HS more to just appreciate the peace and harmony I find there than for guidance.

I hope this helps to answer your questions. See you soon!!!
Blessings, Tom

                                                      转自: 奇迹课程中文部-Ask Tom专栏 2006/4/7

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