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奇迹课程为何显得如此难读  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 16:37:57 [只看该作者]


答(Linda Carpenter答复,若水编译):几乎每位初次翻阅《奇迹课程》的读者,都对这本书望文而生畏,尤其是最初几章,读了半天好像什么都没读进去,没多久,就把书搁下了。这种感觉绝不限于你们华文读者,世界各地读者都有类似的反应。










Aloha dear Chiao Lin,

Both Tom and I were so glad that you called us yesterday. We have been focused on making the introduction more like a small book, realizing that it may be used for others besides the Chinese people. But after talking with you, I think we can also reduce that into something more specific for the need you see. I'm sure that is one of the reasons why Jesus asked us to work together with you.

You mentioned that so many tell you that the Course is too hard to learn. We have heard that from many people as well. One day as I was thinking about that I realized why it seems that way and how helpful it would be for people to understand that and not become discouraged. I have put written this understanding down for you to share if you would like to in whatever way you want. I hope it is helpful.

love, Linda



Linda Carpenter

Almost everyone who opens the first few pages of "A Course in Miracles" finds it difficult to understand. Many do not continue, feeling that it is simply too “intellectual” for them to ever find any benefit from it. This is common for everyone, everywhere. There is a very simple reason why this happens.

The purpose of "A Course in Miracles" is to teach our present mind focus to stretch beyond its present beliefs, to stretch beyond its present comfort level, so that it can be open to a better, truer way of thinking which will also bring us everything we really desire. To do this, we must learn to be willing to go beyond what we now understand.

This is always difficult to do at first for everyone. But we do it all the time for other goals. Every new thing we learn requires that we stretch our mind beyond what it already knows. To learn a new language or computer skills, for example, we are willing to go through the first hard part of learning because we have already decided that we want the results of that learning process. We are willing to practice to get better. Second, we know that it is possible to achieve our goal because we see many others who have already done so.

When we first begin to study "A Course in Miracles" most of us are not certain just what its purpose is and so there is some resistance to do the mental stretching asked of us. The author of the Course is well aware of this challenge and of our initial reluctance, so he advises us at the beginning of the Workbook not to be concerned about our present lack of understanding, but please just try applying what lessons say to do. If we are willing to at least start in that way, we gradually begin to see the powerful and positive effect of this new teaching by the changes that start happening in our life. And, as with other learning experiences, the more we study, the easier it becomes.

Unlike other goals whose outcome is already known and desired by us, we do not begin the Course with a complete understanding of what it will do for us. Nor do we see a many examples of others having achieved what it offers. What we do have, instead, is the experience of those subtle and positive changes in our own daily life as we begin to open our mind to seeing differently. Our only evidence we can now accept of the purpose of the Course being achieved is the author himself saying that this is what he learned before us, and that experience is also available to us now if we are willing to try. What he learned and became was so amazing that many considered him a god.

In addition, there is another reason why this Course is so different from what we have known before. Eternal Spirit is reaching out to our minds through the use of limited human words. The origin of this teaching is not of this world. Therefore, the meaning of these words must be somewhat different than what we have used before. The words of "A Course in Miracles" are merely tools to open our mind to an experience of Love that lies beyond the words. Be willing to set aside your first resistance to these many words and trust that if you are willing to practice this teaching as much as you would practice any other goal, your entire life will be transformed into an experience more beautiful than you can now imagine.

                                                           转自:奇迹课程中文部-Ask Tom专栏   2006/4/7

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