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主题:[转帖]KIRAEL 大师的 Three Days of Darkness —— 三天的黑暗

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[转帖]KIRAEL 大师的 Three Days of Darkness —— 三天的黑暗  发帖心情 Post By:2008/10/14 7:42:25 [只看该作者]




Three Days of Darkness





Kirael: When I put this one in on the three days of darkness, I had no idea how thrilled everybody was going to be with it. I know they are thrilled. Everybody asks me — me poor medium gets asked this a little bit more than I do because he is on Earth a lot more than I am: When is the three days of darkness going to happen? When is the three days of darkness going to happen?


Kirael: 当我把这讯息放进在三天的黑暗上时候,至于每一个人对此讯息将会如何被震撼我是没有一点概念。 我知道他们是被震撼。每个人都问我—我可怜的灵媒被询问此事比我多了一点,因为他在地球上的时间比我多得更多: 何时是三天的黑暗期发生之时? 三天的黑暗何时即将发生?


Well, let me put it to you as best I can. The three days of dark darkness is something that, by the time it happens, you will all be so ready for it, you won’t be counting the days. You will be counting the love particles, because, you see, the three days of darkness is when the Earth plane enters into this huge belt of light, and the light is so intensified, there are so many particles that your sun star seems to be blotted out. You say, “Well, God help you, Master Kirael, aren’t we going to freeze to death without the sun?” I said, “Seems to be blotted out.”




Your Creator makes no mistakes. It knows how to bring enough particles through. Oh, but I am pretty sure that you will be wanting to sleep a lot. In fact, some of you are going to sleep straight through it and not know it happened until it is over.


你的造物者不会犯错误。 它知道该如何带足够的粒子穿越。 哦,但是我相当确信你将会想要睡得很多。 事实上,你们当中的一些人将会完全不知道而沉睡到整个的过程结束为止。


But here’s the good news: As I’ve already said in the first book, and I will repeat it again, when it is over and you awaken, you are in the throes of the full force of the fourth light and the first thing you will want to do is jump for joy. The second thing you will want to do is get down, because you are going to float up there for quite some time. You see, as you come through that belt, your physical body is readjusted to the light centers. The light centers are the particles that you’ve carried with you all of your life and waited to ignite in the new state of consciousness.


但是这里是个好消息: 如同我在第一本书里已经谈论过的,而我将再一次地重复它,当它结束而你醒过来的时候,你在第四维度之光的完全力量的痛苦挣扎中你想要做的第一件事物是欢喜得跳跃。你将会想要做的第二件事物是想要下来,因为你即将会飘浮在那里相当一段时间。 你看,因为当你穿过那光子带,你的物质身体被重新调整到光的中心。 光的中心是你在你的整个辈子一直携带的粒子而等待在意识的新状态时点燃。


Now, for all of you out there that we call we the People that just went “WOW,”I say this to you as well: Why don’t you start now? Why don’t you start right now searching through your whole system in every meditation that you have? Search through and say: “I wonder if that is one of those little particles that Master Kirael talked about in his book, Kirael: The Great Shift?” And just jostle it a little because they are all going to come up one day. But imagine, just imagine, having some right now.


现在,对于所有在外面那儿的你们,那些我们称为我们的人们刚刚发出了“哇,”我也这样对你说: 你何不现在开始?你何不立刻开始在你的每一次的静思中经由你的整个系统寻找你拥有的粒子?当你搜寻过后说: “我想知道如果那是大师 Kirael 在他的书中谈论的那些小的粒子之一, Kirael: 极大的转移?”而且仅只稍微推挤它因为有一天他们全部将会出现。但是想象,仅只想象,马上有一些想象。


That is what the three days of darkness is truly all about, so stop being a ‘fraidy cat. Let yourself know the love of your Creator will not let anything happen to you.


那就是真正关于什么是这三天的黑暗所有的情形,因此不要只当一个 ’fraidy 猫。 让你自己知道你的造物者的爱将不会让任何事情发生在你身上。




Kirael: Let me open this chapter with a deep concern: whenever any fear slips in, my apologies will be loud and clear, for that is not the purpose of this work. I want to avoid it at all costs. The three days of darkness are not about fear and panic but about ascension into the Fourth Dimension. I extend my apologies over and over again for any fear that might arise, and please understand that I am not trying to scare you. I am trying to prepare you for ascension. The shift is about love, and any fear you feel is what you have chosen. Choose wisely, my friends, for the Shift will be the star of an awakening to behold.


Kirael: 让我以深切的关心来开启这一个章节: 无论何时任何的恐惧渗入,我的道歉将是大声的而且明白的,因为那不是这个工作的目的。 我想要不惜以任何代价来避免它。三天的黑暗不是关于恐惧和恐慌而是进入第四度空间之内的上升。我对于任何可能出现的恐惧一再表达我的道歉,而且请了解我并没有尝试去惊吓你。 我正在尝试为你的上升做准备。 转移是关于爱的事,而且任何你感觉到的恐惧都是你的选择。 聪明地选择,我的朋友,因为转移将是看到天体的觉醒。


The three days of darkness actually pertain to Mother Earth’s entry into the Photon Belt. This will produce the three days of darkness, and this event heralds the beginning of the Shift, or explanation of what will happen during this period. The whole event will take place over a period of seven to ten days or so, but please don’t hold me to these numbers because it can fluctuate a day or so either way.


三天的黑暗实际上是关于大地之母进入光子带。 这将产生三天的黑暗,而且这一个事件预报转移的开始,或是对在这期间即将发生之事的解释。 整个的事件将大约发生七天到十天左右,但是请不要教我坚持在这些数字因为它可能变动提前或延后一天左右。

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-14 7:54:43编辑过]

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[转帖]KIRAEL 大师的 Three Days of Darkness —— 三天的黑暗
