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主题:Q #1380为什么阅读奇迹课程带来的良好的感觉持续时间短暂?

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Q #1380为什么阅读奇迹课程带来的良好的感觉持续时间短暂?  发帖心情 Post By:2012/3/4 17:13:27 [只看该作者]



翻译:皮哩哩 (奇迹群学友)2008/7月









Q #1341: Is there a point at which the intellectual comprehension of the Course only has the benefit of aiding in communicating ideas? I recently heard someone make a loose comparison between the Course and Buddhist mind-training, in that both have the main goal of altering the student's perceptions through their repeated practices. So, it would seem the foundation of the Course (or text) is only to help the student understand why such practicing is necessary. In other words, trying to understand the Course intellectually through study of the text and other means only serves to help refresh one's sense of context once they have committed themselves to its mind-training, and doesn't actually further enlightenment in itself. Is that correct?

A: Neither the text nor the workbook stands alone; together they comprise the spiritual path of A Course in Miracles , as the introduction to the workbook explains: “ A theoretical foundation such as the text provides is necessary as a framework to make the exercises in this workbook meaningful. Yet it is doing the exercises that will make the goal of the course possible. An untrained mind can accomplish nothing. It is the purpose of this workbook to train your mind to think along the lines the text sets forth” (W.in.1). Thus, an understanding of the Course's metaphysics and general principles would ground the lessons so that their full meaning could be better integrated in their practice. Moreover, doing the exercises without ever studying the text, although not wrong and not without some benefit, can actually be misleading in terms of knowing what the Course is really about.

We would agree that the study of the text in itself does not lead to enlightenment, if the focus is solely on the text as a conceptual thought system.

On the other hand, however, the text of A Course in Miracles is not the typical text book devoted exclusively to the systematic presentation of theory.。

Written more along the lines of a symphony with themes and variations, the text invites and encourages its readers, in the midst of expounding its theories and ideas, to process the material in a very personal way.

There are many profound, deeply meaningful, and moving passages in the text that can engage the mind open to spiritual transformation

Of course, not all readers would respond positively to its teachings, as they are not compatible with traditional biblical teachings and practices.

Yet, for those who relate to its message, there often are transformative experiences of the loving source of the message they are reading. Such instants usually initiate a life-long process that advances through the application and generalization of the principles, which is the aim of the workbook exercises.

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Q #1380为什么阅读奇迹课程带来的良好的感觉持续时间短暂?
