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-- 作者:高海 -- 发布时间:2012/3/5 18:58:57 -- 特殊关系 摘要: 何谓「特殊关系」,简单地说,就是两个以上的人同意且接受彼此的界定而结合在一起 Raj 述 若水译 亲爱的朋友, 何谓「特殊关系」,简单地说,就是两个以上的人同意且接受彼此的界定而结合在一起,但这种共识或界定,与天父示现于那一物上的真正意义,根本风马牛不相及。就这么简单,一点都不复杂! 然而,当你有心建立这类关系,就会产生分裂感,以及极其复杂的防卫系统来抵制重新复合的可能。换句话说,它不只造出了分裂意识,还得很技巧地维护下去。 维护的伎俩是: 只要双方开始为彼此同意的协议做了承诺,分裂的意识巩固了,因为他们不约而同地承认,这个与天意相违的协议,唯有他们连手,才能守住他们现有的立场。也就是说,愈多的人为这种内在充满矛盾龃龉的协议做出承诺,加上一堆自订的法规,便能阻止已经承诺的人不敢背弃这一承诺。 你看出来了吗?人们必须设法把那些与天道相违的人们联合起来,不让他们脱身,才能守住个体的存在状态。变成了一种「生死存亡」的问题,遮蔽了人们对天人合一的记忆与向往。当初正是想要看见另一种真相的愿望,破坏了这合一,那么,只需放弃这一愿望,不就回到了天人合一之境了吗? 你若看不透特殊关系的阴谋所在,就会有许多政客、律师、父母、手足、朋友,甚至仇敌,将你网罗到那复杂的关系中。其实那个幻相本身十分单纯,它不过宣称:上主没有给你祂的天心,却给了你一个个别的心灵。 于是,你就设法用这所谓的心灵去维系这个幻境,等你苟延残喘到受不了时,才会转向祂说:「愿祢的旨意承行吧!我不愿再用自己的肉眼去看事情了。」 Dear friends, Put simply, a "special relationship" is when two or more join together in a mutually-agreed-upon-definition of something - a definition which is at odds with the Meaning the Father is embodying as that thing. It\'s no more complicated than that! Yet, the decision to engage in such a relationship creates the sense of separation and a highly complex defense against reunion. In other words, it creates the sense of separation and skillfully maintains it. And here\'s how it does it: Once the mutually-agreed-upon-definition is committed to and the sense of separation is established, it is discovered - and further mutually agreed upon - that unity is essential to the strength of the position taken, which is at odds with the Father. This means increasing the numbers of those committed to the discrepant perspective, as well as developing rules (laws), which will keep those already committed from breaking the commitment. Can you see that the need to create and maintain unity amongst those committed to functioning at odds with God, in order to survive in this state of independence, provides a "survival issue" that overshadows the remembrance of a Unity which was broken only by a wish to see things differently? A Unity which can be easily restored by simply abandoning the wish? Until you see this, there will be politicians, attorneys, parents, siblings, friends and enemies who will embroil you in the complexities of a simple fantasy - that God gave you a mind of your own, instead of His own Mind. And you will attempt to use this so-called mind to further maintain the fantasy instead of hesitating long enough to say to Him, "Thy Will be done. I no longer wish to see things other than through Your eyes." Rajpur 转自:奇迹课程中文部 Rajpur 专栏2006/9/2 |