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-- 作者:高海 -- 发布时间:2012/3/4 16:47:53 -- 与圣灵联机vs.三摩地 若水问:你教我们「与圣灵联机」,这与佛教的「静坐冥想」的修定功夫有何不同?我们难道不需要先止息杂念才能清晰而正确地听到圣灵吗? Tom 答:据我的了解,人们追求「定境」,是为了破除分心状态,让自己的心清明专一下来,才能经验到自性(Mind) 的本然平和之境,它的目的是让你明白,只要你能放下世间的欲望,便能由世间种种苦难中解脱。 我个人十分重视静心的功夫,它帮我清除心中的杂念,让我的心清晰而专一。然而,根据我的经验,不论我怎么清除心里的小我之念,它罩在潜意识中的无明蔽障仍在那儿。我隐藏的挂虑依旧左右着我的起心动念(即使我未必觉察到它对我的操控),而我的起心动念或是意向又会随时冒出而左右了我整个思维方向,不论是在冥想中或是静坐外,不论我的心境是多清明无碍。 例如说:当我想要治愈世界中某个问题时,我注意的焦点便偏离了,而看不清真正需要治愈的并不是世界。 精进地静坐修定,是可能帮你暂时撇开那充满冲突的小我知见,让你的思维达到平和之境,但如果「定静功夫」只为了止息小我思维,不论我们怎么努力去净化心念,仍然脱离不了小我以「分裂」为目标的基本取向。 奇迹课程给了我们另一条「如何去看」「如何去想」的新途径,就是我一直强调的一体境界,以真理实相为真正的目标。当你静坐时,把心念投向那个绝对的「本体境界」(Presence),将整个静坐直接指向那个一体之境,才能保证我们不会落入存心要我们分心走意的小我陷阱里。 说得再具体一点,我个人所有的静心冥想,一律始于一个具体的念头,即接受上主本体的临在,然后,向随之而来的任何结果开放。这是我所知道的通往真实定境的唯一途径,这定境不再受小我的企图所扰,而会直接通向圆满清净的自性境界(Mind)。 我与J兄相通的经验,并非发生于静坐时,而是当我自修奇迹课程感到疑惑而向他求助之际。我与他的对话也不必等我进入定境,而是随时发生的。我相信他的答复就是圣灵要给我的答复,因为他已经证入了本体的实相境界了,因此,我在他的临在下的体验,也是我在圣灵中的体验。 我不妨这样向你建议:怀着上述的意向,更容易帮你在的静坐清明,经验到祂的临在。经历过一两次以后,你不必在静坐中,随时都能求助而且得到指引的。 不过,你得训练自己信任祂必会给你指引,你也得训练自己,当答案来时,你能感受到,能够知道。当我与圣灵一起静心时,愈来愈少要求指引,只是单纯地享受与祂同在的平安与和谐。
Tom Dear Tom, What’s the difference between your experience of" connecting with the H. S.” and Buddhist’s idea of Samadhi? Don’t we need to calm our mind through meditation first in order to hear the H. S. clearly and correctly? Dear Waterlike Regarding the state of Samadhi, my understanding is, the purpose of reaching Samadhi is to rid the mind of distractions and achieve a focus of clear concentration which will enable you to experience a harmony that expresses the true nature of Mind. Its goal was to recognize that in releasing attachments to desires of the world you would also find release from all forms of suffering. To specifically answer your question, all my meditations begin with the specific intention to accept the Presence of our God Self and then to be open to whatever comes as a result of that. This is the only way I know to reach a true state of Samadhi that is free of ego intention and connected to the reality of the whole, pure Mind. My connection to Jesus, our brother, did not occur in meditation. It came because I was confused when I began to study the Course and asked for help in that regard. My “conversations” with him do not need to take place in meditation, but occur spontaneously. I consider that what he tells me is what I would receive from the HS because he has accepted the God Self as his reality, and so what I feel in his presence is what I feel in the Presence of the HS. I suggest that while it is far, far easier to find the Presence of the HS in your clear meditation, undertaken with that intention, once you have experienced what that is like, it is not always necessary to be in meditation to ask for and receive help. You can teach yourself to trust you will be answered when you ask for help and to feel the knowing of the answers when they come. I use my meditation time with the HS more to just appreciate the peace and harmony I find there than for guidance. I hope this helps to answer your questions. See you soon!!! 转自: 奇迹课程中文部-Ask Tom专栏 2006/4/7 |